Trade Missions and Events

Ready to expand
Your business internationally?

Without a doubt, face-to-face business meetings are a powerful tool eagerly utilised by entrepreneurs in foreign expansion and still represent one of the most important elements of developing international business. They allow direct contact with potential Partners and Contractors. No virtual technologies can fully replace them. Face-to-face meetings provide unique benefits and opportunities, such as:

direct relationship building:
direct relationship building:

Face-to-face meetings enable direct relationship building with potential partners, distributors, or contractors. This direct interaction fosters a better understanding of needs and expectations between parties.

breaking down cultural barriers:
breaking down cultural barriers:

Personal meetings allow for the direct breaking down of cultural barriers, enabling a deeper understanding of potential contractors, local markets, business practices, and social norms.

faster transaction process:
faster transaction process:

Direct meetings enable immediate resolution of problematic issues, negotiation of commercial terms, and signing of agreements. This significantly shortens the time needed to finalize transactions.

building brand image:
building brand image:

Direct relationships with foreign partners can influence the positive perception of the brand and help in building a positive company reputation.

understanding market needs:
understanding market needs:

Meetings allow for a deep dive into local realities, which enables a precise understanding of market and contractor needs. This is key to adapting the business strategy to specific conditions.

building mutual trust:
building mutual trust:

Direct interaction builds trust, which is extremely important in international business. Business partners trust each other more after personal meetings than after only virtual ones.

supporting the development of foreign expansion:
supporting the development of foreign expansion:

Trade meetings are invaluable when entering new markets. Direct contact allows the identification of local challenges and opportunities, translating into more effective adaptation of expansion strategies.

Since 2020, AMPE has been offering the organisation of dedicated trade meetings, during individual or group outbound and inbound missions, as well as at trade fair and conference events. We provide comprehensive support at every stage – from planning to execution (coordination, finding and verifying potential contractors, organising B2B meetings, follow-up after return, etc.). Fulfilling the order, the real needs of the Client and the maximum use of the potential resulting from the possibility of conducting direct trade meetings with contractors from the foreign market are the priority.

At AMPE, we understand the importance of BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS. The true value lies in building and strengthening unique relationships with Partners and Clients.


Selected activities undertaken by AMPE as part of the services - Trade Missions and Events, including, among others:

organisation of outbound missions

Invest in your brand! Invest in your success in foreign markets!

organisation of inbound missions

Experience the value of presenting your offer during stationary, international promotional and trade events!

participation in trade fairs events

Increase the reach and recognition of your brand by utilising electronic tools!

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get in touch with us:

Marketing & Export Promotion Agency

Konduktorska 20/7
00-775 Warsaw / Poland

tel.: 0048 507 240 529
tel.: 0048 608 674 198
