Our past events

Examples of training, conference
and promotional projects
carried out by AMPE


Arab markets of the Middle East and North Africa

Conditions and possibilities of trade cooperation with the countries of the Arabian Peninsula

SAUDI ARABIA, your Trading Partner in the Middle East

Conditions of doing business in the United Arab Emirates, with particular emphasis on Dubai

The Middle East and the Arab World. Negotiation and trade techniques and cultural conditions

Preparation for negotiations on Arab markets. The specificity of the region, the basis of cooperation and negotiation techniques

Female consumer in Arab countries

Trade negotiations in Arab countries


Cosmetics market in the Middle East

Lebanon today and tomorrow. Possibilities of economic and trade cooperation

Lebanon, Syria, Jordan as a chance for Polish exporters

MARKET for EXPORTER: Egypt - cosmetics industry. Access conditions and market specificity

MARKET for EXPORTER: Egypt - agri-food industry. Access conditions and market specificity

MARKET for EXPORTERS. Possibilities of trade and investment cooperation with ALGERIA and LIBYA

Possibilities of trade cooperation with Libya

Libya - a market of great trade and investment opportunities

Türkiye - a large, dynamic market and unique opportunities for beneficial trade cooperation

Possibilities of exporting products and services to Egypt and Tunisia

ALGERIA - a market of great trade and investment opportunities in Africa

The Algerian market an opportunity for Polish enterprises

The Gdańsk-Odessa transport corridor is an opportunity to activate trade with the countries of the Black Sea region


Ukraine - training for specialists for Eastern Markets

UKRAINE - an untapped opportunity for Polish entrepreneurs. New prospects after Poland's accession to the European Union.

Polish-German Economic Conference

INTRASTAT - a system for recording goods turnover in European Union countries

How to obtain an order on the European public procurement market? FRANCE, GERMANY and ITALY

How to obtain an order on the German public procurement market?

How to obtain an order on the French public procurement market?

Negotiations on European markets in the intercultural aspect

Legal aspects of trade and investment in the Russian Federation

The Russian Internet as a trading tool for a modern exporter

Trade and investments in the market of the Russian Federation

Export opportunities of Polish enterprises in the aspect of the new eastern policy

Sell - Buy in Ukraine and Russia!

Certification of goods and legal aspects of trade and investment in Ukraine

European markets

European markets

The Gdańsk-Odessa transport corridor is an opportunity to activate trade with the countries of the Black Sea region


Ukraine - training for specialists for Eastern Markets

UKRAINE - an untapped opportunity for Polish entrepreneurs. New prospects after Poland's accession to the European Union.

Polish-German Economic Conference

INTRASTAT - a system for recording goods turnover in European Union countries

How to obtain an order on the European public procurement market? FRANCE, GERMANY and ITALY

How to obtain an order on the German public procurement market?

How to obtain an order on the French public procurement market?

Negotiations on European markets in the intercultural aspect

Legal aspects of trade and investment in the Russian Federation

The Russian Internet as a trading tool for a modern exporter

Trade and investments in the market of the Russian Federation

Export opportunities of Polish enterprises in the aspect of the new eastern policy

Sell - Buy in Ukraine and Russia!

Certification of goods and legal aspects of trade and investment in Ukraine

Far Eastern markets

INDIA - CHINA of the 21st century. Challenges and prospects for Polish business


Polish-Vietnamese Economic Forum

Poland - Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan. Prospects for Economic Cooperation

Possibilities of increasing Poland's trade with Laos, Malaysia and Thailand

How should you do business with Mongolia?

Poland - Vietnam. Trade Partners

Chinese customs and business etiquette - practical cultural training

India an important trading partner for Poland

Cultural conditions of trade cooperation and negotiations with Indian partners

Trade negotiations in the Far East

Poland - China. Prospects for Economic Cooperation

POLAND - CHINA. The current status and opportunities for the development of economic and trade cooperation

Chinese market - Specifics and methods of gaining a position

Legal aspects of trade and investment in China

Negotiation techniques in trade with China

Legal and tax aspects of trade and investment in China

International Conference on Economic Cooperation between Poland and NAFTA Countries

Professional techniques for preparing commercial offers and the art of negotiation as a condition for success on the American market

South America - huge potential for cooperation

The furniture market on the American market and access and sales conditions for Polish producers

Introduction of luxury products to the American market

Cooperation with retail chains in the USA and Canada

Trade cooperation with Argentina in the mining sector

Conditions of access to the US and Canadian markets for agri-food products, with particular emphasis on formal requirements

Investment opportunities in selected South American countries

Sales opportunities and market access conditions for Polish jewelry, including amber

North and South American markets

North and South American markets

International Conference on Economic Cooperation between Poland and NAFTA Countries

Professional techniques for preparing commercial offers and the art of negotiation as a condition for success on the American market

South America - huge potential for cooperation

The furniture market on the American market and access and sales conditions for Polish producers

Introduction of luxury products to the American market

Cooperation with retail chains in the USA and Canada

Trade cooperation with Argentina in the mining sector

Conditions of access to the US and Canadian markets for agri-food products, with particular emphasis on formal requirements

Investment opportunities in selected South American countries

Sales opportunities and market access conditions for Polish jewelry, including amber

African markets

Economic conference of Southeast African countries

MARKET for EXPORTER: South Africa - agri-food industry. Access conditions and market specificity

Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea - a chance for Polish exporters

South Africa - market access conditions and prospective export cooperation sectors for Polish entrepreneurs

The glassware and handicraft market in South Africa. Market access conditions

Distribution channels in South Africa and terms of cooperation with local and international retail chains

Cultural determinants of business in selected African countries

Marketing, negotiations, communication and foreign trade in practice

Profitability of exports in small and medium-sized industrial enterprises. Mechanisms and methods of calculating export prices of products according to the WTO

Independent audit of the company's export capabilities as an opportunity to obtain support from European Union aid funds

Modern methods of preparing commercial offers and the basics of negotiating them in export transactions with elements of export marketing

Agro Export

Forum for Amicable Dispute Resolution and International Commercial Arbitration

Characteristics of non-EU markets

Sales management on domestic and foreign markets

The psychology of effective sales

THE ART OF ACTIVE TRADING - how to sell effectively on a difficult and constantly changing market

Leadership - Sales department management

MERCHANDISING, or how to gain loyal buyers in retail?

Community competition law

Managing a sales team through motivation

Commercial graphics

How to effectively obtain EU structural funds for company development?

Law on trade in goods and services abroad

VAT in international trade

NEW RULES OF TRADE AFTER POLAND'S ENTRY TO THE EUROPEAN UNION - Taxation of international transactions, customs law, logistics and transport services. New VAT Act.

EU tariff, non-tariff and safeguard measures. Changes in Customs Law

International Accounting Standards and the Polish Accounting Act

The pressure of modern life and time management

General topics

General topics

Marketing, negotiations, communication and foreign trade in practice

Profitability of exports in small and medium-sized industrial enterprises. Mechanisms and methods of calculating export prices of products according to the WTO

Independent audit of the company's export capabilities as an opportunity to obtain support from European Union aid funds

Modern methods of preparing commercial offers and the basics of negotiating them in export transactions with elements of export marketing

Agro Export

Forum for Amicable Dispute Resolution and International Commercial Arbitration

Characteristics of non-EU markets

Sales management on domestic and foreign markets

The psychology of effective sales

THE ART OF ACTIVE TRADING - how to sell effectively on a difficult and constantly changing market

Leadership - Sales department management

MERCHANDISING, or how to gain loyal buyers in retail?

Community competition law

Managing a sales team through motivation

Commercial graphics

How to effectively obtain EU structural funds for company development?

Law on trade in goods and services abroad

VAT in international trade

NEW RULES OF TRADE AFTER POLAND'S ENTRY TO THE EUROPEAN UNION - Taxation of international transactions, customs law, logistics and transport services. New VAT Act.

EU tariff, non-tariff and safeguard measures. Changes in Customs Law

International Accounting Standards and the Polish Accounting Act

The pressure of modern life and time management

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get in touch with us:

Marketing & Export Promotion Agency

Konduktorska 20/7
00-775 Warsaw / Poland

tel.: 0048 507 240 529
tel.: 0048 608 674 198

e-mail: ampe@ampe.pl